The market is held each Spring and Summer in the Pines Village in front of the Good Ol Daze Store normally starting mid to late May and continuing through September. Start and stop dates are dependent on Product Availability and Attendance.
We are proud of our “CERTIFIED” market and are in compliance with all Local and State regulations established by the Agriculture and Public Health Departments. All of our agriculture products must be grown by the sellers and be certified by both agencies.
Our vendors are a “family” and are the governing source of approving new vendors and release of those not meeting our standards. Any vendor asking to participate will be subject to approval of the existing participants.
The standard fee for participation is $20 per booth space per week. Vendors may not participate on an intermittent basis. Proceeds are used to provide for advertising and other expenses. The market is a not for profit event and is sponsored by the Bass Lake Chamber of Commerce.
We welcome applications from anyone interested.
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